Monday, August 9, 2010

So you want to be a writer

If it doesn't come bursting out of you
in spite of everything,
don't do it.
unless it comes unasked out of your
heart and your mind and your mouth
and your gut,
don't do it.
if you have to sit for hours
staring at your computer screen
or hunched over your
searching for words,
don't do it.----

The craft of writing demands random flow of thoughts,you write the best when you really don't need to strain your mind for every single sentence...It's difficult to move your pen or hit on the alphabets of keyboard when your mind is juggling with several contrasting thoughts...Writing something demands free flow of thoughts...I have an appetite for writing at the moment but i can't decide which thought to feed on ......baffled i layoff as for now......:)

Woman in india

Excess of anything is poisonous......Be it love,devotion, dedication and other synonyms ..Devotion should never cost you your dignity....But its lamentable that in our country allegiance demands dignity....particularly of the woman devotee , Margaret Elizabeth noble quoted in her book "the web of Indian life"
"Indian brides comes to her husband much as the western woman might enter a church.Their love is a devotion ,to be offered in a secret"

A woman in Indian society gives more than what she is capable of to her husband and his family and is still in debt.Her devotion is yet never expecting ....But the sad part of the truth is her devotion is rarely valued...A bride in Indian culture is no better than a maid denial times have changed ... India have experienced a lot many revolutionary seasons.....but the reality remains the same for most of the woman..

A woman in Indian setup commands respect till the time she is capable of producing, satisfying men.....and above all acts subservient to the opposite gender..Anyone who tries to voice against all these indignities is tagged "masculine"..."undignified"......

Woman in our country is regarded nothing but just "mere property of men"......


"Observation should be free from judgement and opinions .....a clean observation just demands watching ...watching without contemplations,......"

Alliance with the "thoughtful" is always accomplishing .......

We learn our biggest lessons in our day to day confabulations ,only our ignorance bury them the moment they surface ,you don't need to search for a "guru"...or an enlightened one....any two individuals who care for wisdom in life will suffice..

In a very ordinary conversation with the person whom i would like to tag as my "benefactor".....I learned why my observation is flawed...the moment i encounter a situation or some beings....I start forming opinions and start judging .....truly speaking i have been deceived the most by my opinions and judgement....and it's not difficult to trace the reason .....Obviously its my hastiness ...i think most people don't evaluate the situation completely but start forming opinions and that is the point they start loosing a part of there vision .....The recipe for an impeccable observation is just "observation" from any other attribute...

In the words of my benefactor -
"The moment you come across a person or a situation your observation is accompanied by your judgement,you keep brooding over one single aspect of the entire subject and by this your observation is left incomplete and biased.........."

How true we make opinions ,get trapped and are never able to apprehend the real,the truth ......