Sunday, August 8, 2010


I am feeling low,possibly the kind of low that had caught me on several occasions...i know its natural....But what appears quizzical to me about the feeling is.,that it grips me on occasions when its most unexpected......

A hectic day when i would hardly get time for my meals,or a day which was filled with belly laughs ..spending my whole day with friends yet when i am back on my way the feeling starts gripping me.....May be the "i" demands something which i am unable to comprehend....

This emptiness leaves me i mentioned it, this is not the first instance when i am feeling so.This low have gripped me previously ,the departure of the feeling is also very stymie as its arrival was .....hours of "inexplicable despondency" ..Then suddenly a mundane matter will take over it....the low will sink down but i know it persists somewhere in me...... Only to resurface in future..... in suitable seasons..

Disenchanted "c"

A part of us is never satisfied.....the "c" in us..we keep on disregarding it .......provided it being the cardinal part of our existence..

we are "conscious" of our identity.,but hardly of our acts.....

loneliness demands

"Human beings are social beings"
The statement quoted above involves no fallacy ..we demonstrate to all that we are happy being a loner....nothing calms and pacify us as much as loneliness does......i agree it does but to a certain level....beyond which we demand one can grow alone...growth of "cognizance" demands interaction ..without knowing the world you cannot know yourself....retiring from the world is desired to explore the real "i"..but the discovery of "i" demands a prior journey into "non-me" cannot know what you really support without knowing what others oppose...
The "i" is possible to retrieve only after we shun all the "non-me",elements we have....and for assessing the "non-me",we need to take on the world....:)

Talking beyond retrieving the "i"
its vital to interact...for growth ,the world does not always damage you.... alliance with the good in it....renders us more accomplished ....


No goodbye in life is final,till the time we are alive.The last of all goodbyes comes wrapped in death...The last one is-----"The farewell given to us by life"