Thursday, October 13, 2011

My God is a cerebral legend


I don't sojourn temple frequently,Nor i like to plop down in the yajna .But i am indubitably not a pagan.All i know is my god is different ,My god is astute when examined in contrast with the commonly canonized one.My god is free from commonly accepted dogma ,much more enlightened.You don't need to be superstitious while worshiping the lord i know and i cherish to believe in.My lord doesn't asks me to practice renunciation from the worldly life,but to renounce the evil in me.He doesn't asks me to meditate in isolation,but to meditate and reason everything i live.

The lord doesn't asks me to just acknowledge the suffering and thenceforth shut my eyes upon it and meditate ,but to acknowledge and act accordingly,to make the best of my being .