Friday, August 13, 2010


I enjoy simple things,actually everyone does,but some fail to cherish the feeling....somethings in life are priceless..I have encountered many kids who possess this weird quality of making faces,when they are standing in a Queue with their mother,probably their mum busy in chatting some one or sorting out something.....These little devils will put their mind to work...i enjoy those faces...They fill my appetite for smiles.. .i crave for such instances a lot...

I love the dexterity with which housewives cull the vegetables,so much engrossed in such a simple work.....But thats what dedication to ones family demands. ...making beautiful the simplest ...They decorate the lives with their love,devotion........

So much beauty is attached to simplicity.......:)


I use the "word" ironical a lot,it seems now possibly i am bored with it's usage,not that i won't encounter any thing ironical in life ..but i am looking for a better version ,Yes of course everybody is bound to be dyspathetic to this word for it never relates to something pleasant.....

Anyway i was exploring for a synonym .... betwixt my encephalon was working much faster as compared to my eyes on thesaurus ...."human beings" what can define the word irony better than human beings .....we feel something we do something else,we consider someone unpleasant still we demonstrate to love ....and above all we are human beings just because we are tagged but hardly by our acts......

"incongruity with our existence"