Monday, November 28, 2011

The Revival Of The Prime Mover

                         Since past few months i was defying the actuality of the prime mover,this agnosticism was fostered by the dint of the dearth of consciousness and contrasting principles of the god fearing society in which i reside.To me the very conception of  a competent  and conscientious god seemed inconceivable.For me my conscious was my god.Though i still believe that conscious is just a part of god in me,yet some time back it was only my conscious which i regarded as my prime mover.No doubt conscious being a virtue of god made me tread the appropriate path but there was a dearth of positive vigor in me.The world with all it's vices takes a toll on your optimism and vigor,you kind of need a persistent influx of spirituality.In my case,my conscious flunk to support itself.

                         I was experiencing a dearth of godliness and me in my constitution.I was vague,empty and occupied by negativity,god proved my "lender of the last resort".After chanting the holy verses i was at peace, tranquility engulfed me.Being a hardcore feminist i condemn religion,for they disregard women as rational beings.Yet in the conception of god as per religion i discovered my emancipation from the negativity.

                        It's  an asseveration that "Human beings are created in the image of god".That doesn't tantamount to ,that we are bound to tread life in his light.God bestowed all his virtues upon human beings,yet god never pledged that they will work axiomatically.We will tread in his light only if we are amenable to his path.God never developed any sham beliefs,they are all creations of human mind.I was being doltish to defy god existence,for god exists ,persists and fosters life and positivity in individuals ,who agree to believe.